Gemstones Guidebook





Amazonite is a very ancient gemstone that's known for its beauty and healing properties.

If your mind is polluted with toxic negativity, clean it up with Amazonite. This stone will restore your spirit to its most serene state of being by eliminating your worries, self-doubts and frustrations. Often, pain that we experienced in our past will create an energy block in our present. This block can manifest into a difficulty expressing yourself in relationships, or even into creative slumps at work. By flooding your heart and throat chakras with loving energy, amazonite opens you up to release that which has hurt you. Free of those energy blocks, you better express yourself in every area of life. That’s what makes this stone highly beneficial for artists.


Amethyst is a natural tranquiliser, it relieves stress and strain, soothes irritability, balances mood swings, dispels anger, rage, fear and anxiety. Alleviates sadness and grief, and dissolves negativity. Amethyst activates spiritual awareness, opens intuition and enhances psychic abilities.


Aquamarine is a “Stone of Courage and Protection” and its soothing energy makes it a perfect companion to calm fears and phobias. Used most often with the Throat Chakra to enhance spiritual communication and to clear communication blocks. Aquamarine helps to promote verbal self-expression.



Blue Apatite eliminates blockages and returns the body to balance.  It can cleanse the aura of cluttered energies, bringing a renewed sensation to the body.  Blue Apatite is a good stone to help balance the chakras, as well as the energies of Yin and Yang.

The Blue Apatite Crystal is used for the throat chakra. Meditating with the crystal will enhance self -expression, communication and patience 

Those who are over emotional can benefit from Apatite's ability to highlight logical solutions and induce calm states of mind.


Blue Tigers Eye is a highly soothing stone that can reduce your stress, ease your anxieties, and increase your calm and relaxation. The energies of Blue Tigers Eye will aid in removing fatigue and easing the symptoms of depression.


A stone that symbolizes physical love and the relationship between loving partners, the Garnet was a popular ornamental adornment among royalty and aristocrats.

Garnet crystal stone supports the flow of Chi throughout the body, which boosts the detox of negative emotions that manifest in the body.

Garnet works to balance the mind and emotions by helping you discard outdated ways of thinking and giving way to a new path of abundance and vitality. 


Hawk's Eye is good for focus, mental clarity, and deeper insight into your experiences, good and bad. It gives you the ability to see issues that might have been hard to see otherwise. It gives insight into your emotional issues and internal struggles.




Hematite’s energy focuses on the body, and it teaches us to do the same. Rather than over analyzing due to stress or anxiety, use hematite to connect to your root chakra so that you can stay grounded and just be.

If you’re spinning out of control, or spending all your time going over things in your mind on constant replay, hematite is going to give you a reality check.

It brings you out of your mind and back down to earth.

Hematite crystals have an excellent grounding and balancing energy.

They have a highly protective energy and are good to help women who lack courage.

They will heighten self -confidence, will power and self-esteem, and are known for their action to provide pain relief.


Howlite is a stone of awareness.

Boost Patience, Aid Insomnia & Howlite stones have a lovely soothing energy that will help to alleviate stress, and may help to calm fits of anger and bad temper.

They have extremely useful metaphysical properties that will aid you to deal with belligerent or aggressive people. Their energy may calm both you and the other person.


The Jasper Stone is a variety of Chalcedony. It's an opaque stone that's usually brown in color, but it also comes in grey, blue, white, purple, green, pink, red, orange, and yellow.

Jasper are excellent healing stones that encourage a feeling of joy and elevated spirits! This is an excellent stone to help you if you need a lift.

As they help you to release negative feelings, you feel more optimistic. These crystals aid you to communicate more positively and allow loving feelings to be expressed in what you say.

They all carry a strong connection to the Earth's energy, making the jasper healing properties very beneficial for grounding, stability and strength.


The Jasper Stone is a variety of Chalcedony. It's an opaque stone that's usually brown in color, but it also comes in grey, blue, white, purple, green, pink, red, orange, and yellow.

Picasso Jasper is a lovely, happy stone that reminds us to celebrate and enjoy life, bringing optimism and openness. It assists in the positive transformation of relationships. ... In physical healing Picasso Jasper is useful for eye problems and can promote weight-loss.


Brecciated Jasper is a stone of strength and vitality. It can be used to bring mental clarity and focus to a previously scattered event, experience or life in general. Brecciated Jasper stimulates the base and sacral chakras in addition to cleansing and stabilizing the auric field.


Kunzite are lovely heart based crystals that encourage the energy of love to fill your life. Their vibration helps you to heal emotional problems as you release negative feelings. ... They are strong healing crystals for the emotions through helping to relieve panic and fear.


With the mystical energy of labradorite, sparks of neon will illuminate the path to your destiny. Labradorite is a stone of magic and curiosity. Wearing or holding Labradorite helps you tap into a higher state of consciousness. It’s a protective stone as well, so it will keep your energy body grounded, while allowing you to explore the expanded states of the universe. By connecting to and healing all chakras, it boosts mental and spiritual power. Labradorite opens you up, forcing you to become self-aware enough to see what you want your true intentions to be.


This is a useful stone to wear as it is said to relieve anger and negative thoughts, as well as easing frustrations causing the anger.

Realize your spiritual potential with the high vibrational energy of Lapis Lazuli.

Full of the wisdom and awareness that this stone brings, your soul will be ready to embark on a journey of awakening.

Strive toward enlightenment as you pursue your true destiny, and leave pettiness and stress behind.

This is a powerful stone for broadening your understanding, and should be used especially by those having issues with self-expression.



Malachite has a strong energy with a power to protect you from negative entities. It also aids creativity and enhances the development of your intuition.

Perhaps its most powerful attribute is its highly effective action to protect you from negative energies, by creating a strong barrier around you energetically.

If some reason or another, something always seems to go wrong in your relationships, Malachite can cleanse the chakras and bring you to a realization about what’s not working.

It’s one of the most powerful transformational crystals for the heart. The emotional balance it provides will encourage you to take the action you need to remove negative patterns and enhance your transformational energy.


The milky radiance of this crystal represents tenderness, and is believed to bring lovers closer together. Moonstone is a magical stone that connects you to your divine feminine and inner Goddess.

It helps you unlock the energy of the Moon that resides within you to keep you in a more balanced state. Moonstone acts as a guide to help you do what’s necessary to become more balanced, healthy and It allows one to accept gracefully the ups and downs of natural change during life. 


The meaning of this stone strongly relates to its wonderful love vibration which makes it a potent stone to use for helping relationships.Morganite is a stone of Divine Love & Compassion.

It opens heart to receiving unconditional Love,

clears emotional body and helps to heal after loss, aids grieving process.

Chakra: Heart 4th



Mother of Pearl brings the gentle healing power of the sea. It is a stress relieving stone; relaxing, soothing and calming to the emotions. Mother of Pearl stimulates our intuition, imagination, sensitivity and adaptability. It helps our emotions become more harmonious and balanced.


Black Obsidian Stone is a powerful cleanser of psychic smog created within your aura, and is a strong psychic protection stone.

Black Obsidian Stone is also an excellent aid to help you to release any negativity that your day to day life may have caused.

This negativity may be present within your auric field and needs to be removed, to aid your ongoing physical, emotional and spiritual health.

This black stone is excellent to assist you to release disharmony that has built up in your day to day life and during work on yourself, including resentment of others, fear and anger. 


Black onyx is associated with the base chakra and grounding in crystal healing. Onyx is a stone of happiness, good fortune and strength.

It is a great healing stone for people who are off with the fairies as it brings focus and grounding making it easier to remain in this realm.

It is thought to bring strength, balance and self- control. It is perfect for people under extreme mental or emotional stress. It brings balance to mind or body as well as a sense of security.


Coral comes from the sea with a wide color range including black, red, pink, blue and white. 

Coral, Healing and Health. Coral is a stone that has protective healing energies for women and children. It can help with issues associated with the circulatory system. It can also help with strengthening the bones and nourishing the blood.

Coral represents diplomacy and is said to quiet the emotions and brings peace within. 

Coral helps to both understand and use the qualities of the mystic, as it facilitates intuition, imagination and visualisation.

Red Coral helps you to be in harmony with the natural forces of the universe and with the wilderness.


Rhodonite crystals are known for their capacity to bring emotional healing and to release blocked energy from within the heart chakra.

By its action to stimulate acceptance, forgiveness and unconditional love towards others, it helps to bring peace to troubled relationships.

These stones are excellent for balancing the emotions, and during traumatic times this stone can be used to calm you.

The energy of this stone also helps you to discover innate talents that you may not have been aware of, and work out the best way to utilize them.


A stone of unconditional love, rose quartz works by opening your heart to all types of love, including self love, romantic love, love of the community, friends, family, and everything on Earth. When you hold rose quartz stones while meditating or wear it as jewelry, it surrounds you with a sphere of love energy, which activates and balances the heart chakra. Love is the most powerful energy, which makes rose quartz one of the most beneficial stones for healing and flooding the body with positive energy.


The way Sodalite grounds you with energies like self-esteem, acceptance and trust will have you begging to get grounded. This harmony inducing stone reestablishes the connection between the higher mind and the body, releasing the fears and tensions held in both.

Use sodalite’s encouraging energy to strengthen bonds with others and bring balance into every area of your life.

Sodalite stone has a strong vibration that is particularly helpful to aid the development of psychic abilities and with developing intuition. 



With the radiance of the sun and the fire of the solar ray, Sunstone carries the energy of Ra, the sun god, whose energy brings all potential life from within the Earth.

It is a Stone of Leadership - of personal power, freedom, and expanded consciousness. Truly reflecting the qualities of Light, it brings openness, benevolence and warmth, strength, mental clarity, and the willingness and ability to grant blessings upon others.


Lava stone is a grounding stone that strengthens one's connection to Mother Earth. It gives us strength and courage, allowing us stability through times of change. It provides guidance and understanding in situations where we may need to "bounce back". A calming stone, it is very useful in dissipating anger  


Tigers Eye Stone is a crystal with lovely bands of yellow-golden color through it. This is a powerful stone that helps you to release fear and anxiety and aids harmony and balance.

It stimulates taking action, and helps you to make decisions with discernment and understanding, and unclouded by your emotions.

 It is an effective stone to assist you to accomplish goals. If you are prone to criticising your own actions, you may be experiencing a lack of self worth.

This stone may help you, as it will infuse you with confidence, brightness and optimism that may relieve these feelings of lack. 


Tigers Eye Stone is a crystal with lovely bands of yellow-golden color through it. This is a powerful stone that helps you to release fear and anxiety and aids harmony and balance.

It stimulates taking action, and helps you to make decisions with discernment and understanding, and unclouded by your emotions.

 It is an effective stone to assist you to accomplish goals. If you are prone to criticising your own actions, you may be experiencing a lack of self- worth.

This stone may help you, as it will infuse you with confidence, brightness and optimism that may relieve these feelings of lack.


Tourmaline aids in understanding oneself and others.  It promotes self-confidence and diminishes fear.  Tourmaline attracts inspiration, compassion, tolerance and prosperity.  It balances the right-left sides of the brain.  Helps treat paranoia, overcomes dyslexia and improves hand-eye coordination.  Tourmaline releases tension, making it helpful for spinal adjustments.  It balances male-female energy within the body.  Enhances energy and removes blockages. 


Tridacna is the most white substance in the world, it is also a rare organic gemstone used in Buddhist relics.

From gemstone point of view, Tridacna calm shell has a pearl luster and glossy but has a pure white color, only the glossy and delicate textured clam shell can be chosen to make tridacna jewellery.

Tridacna can stabilise mood, eliminate worry, balance mental and physical states, soothe frightened nerves, help insomnia.


Aid truthful communication and psychic abilities.

Said by Native American cultures to be the bridge between heaven and Earth, Turquoise, known as the “master Healer,” provides a path to your vibrationally highest self. Many Native American cultures believe that turquoise helps to connect the mind to the infinite possibilities of the Universe. As a throat Chakra stone, turquoise helps to foster honest and open communication from the heart. In working to protect and align the chakras, turquoise strengthens the entire mind and body in the process 


The jade has been one of the most valued gems in large cultures, and all this is due to the significant benefits that have been discovered over the years.

The wisdom that this stone can bring has been admired since ancient civilisations, and can still lend an insightful energy to your modern day problems.

Through instilling a sense of peace and purity within the mind, jade guides the spirit until it has a clear vision of who you are truly meant to be.

Emotionally the white jade can help in any way you want, but it is beneficial for those people who seek to change unfortunate events. Attracts luck. The stone reinforces the friendships and can become a great ally. The white rock will help to restore confidence, interest and love for these friendships that are maintained and toward those that has been gradually moving away.  


White Coral has the meaning and properties to make luck last long.

It is a gemstone symbolising  ”immortal fortune”From ancient times, it is used as a sacred talisman.

It will purify negative energy and attract positive energy.

White Coral has the meaning and properties to enhance the ability to detect danger.

It is a reliable gemstone when you challenge to an unknown field.